These two articles were written during my work with the Anthropological Studies Center as it undertook its Cultural Resources Investigations in West Oakland after the Loma Prieta Earthquake (1989). They were written as part of my work under the aegis of the African American Museum and Library at Oakland, then directed by Robert M. Haynes. The entire report was submitted to CalTrans with whom I had a productive if at times difficult relationship. This period of my work (Historical Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management) was encouraged, sponsored, informed, and edited by my professors Adrian Praetzellis, Ph.D. and Margaret Purser, Ph.D. The assistance of the late Archie Green, dean of labor lore was invaluable. Fellow worker Archie, your work continues. You can find my own two contributions within this report: “The Quest for “Dad” Moore,” p. 223 and “Brotherhood Songs,” p. 233.
Sights and Sounds: Essays in Celebration of West Oakland